Welcome to The City of Benton This is Home!
Welcome to the official website for the City of Benton, Kansas. We are located in Butler County approximately 9 miles northeast of the City of Wichita, 5 miles north of the City of Andover and 12 miles west of the City of El Dorado.
Benton was established in 1909 and is currently growing with a population of approximately 943 people. We have created this website to help you become better acquainted with the City and the services it has to offer.
Featured News
Come and talk with your Legislators!
Butler County Farm Bureau and the City of Benton have teamed up to bring you Coffee With Your Legislators.
Ask questions and hear updates from Senator Ty Masterson, Representative Will Carpenter, and Representative Patrick Penn.
Saturday, March 29th at 9-11am at the Benton Community Building...
City Council Meeting 3/17/2025
The next City Council Meeting will be on Monday, March 17th at 7pm at the Benton Community Building.
We will also broadcast this on our facebook page for maximum transperency and convenience.
Click here for the Consent Agenda!
Click here for the Council Packet!
February 2025 Council Meeting <3
*EDIT: This meeting has been canceled due to weather. The next regular Council Meeting will be March 17th.
The next City Council meeting will be on Tuesday, February 18th at 7pm at the Benton Community Building located at 150 S. Main Street.
Waste Connections Schedule!
Waste Connections will be picking up your container on January 3rd instead of January 2nd due to the New Year Holiday.
Outdoor Watering:
In an effort to more closely correlate with our water supplier, we are sharing their outdoor watering restrictions. Over the month, Benton has reduced usage by 12.42%. Thank you for staying aware of your usage and please continue to keep our Drought Stage 2 conditions in mind while using water.
New payment system!
Tired of waiting for your bill to arrive by mail? Want to go paperless or pay by text? Now you can, with Benton's new payment portal.
Drought Stage 2
Hello, Benton! Monday, August 5th: Our water supplier is the City of Wichita, and they will be entering into Stage 2 Drought Response on Monday. As part of our water contract with Wichita, we will also be entering our Stage 2, called "Water Warning" on August 5th. The goal of a Water Warning Stage...
Wichita Water Status Information:
As we get further into summer (increased water usage on average), we are watching our water provider closely as they announce drought stages. If the stages move from 1 to 2, we will be asking Benton water users to help conserve water by a number of steps.
To keep up with the City of Wichita water...
New Hazard Mitigation Plan
The City of Benton is included in a Hazard Mitigation plan titled Kansas Region G Hazard Mitigation Plan.
Specifically, this hazard mitigation plan was developed to:
- Update the 2019 HMP
- Build for a safer future for all citizens
- Foster cooperation for planning and resiliency
- Identify,...
Water Quality Report
You can now view the 2023 Water Quality Report by clicking here!
We take water samples daily for chlorine levels, and we also submit quarterly samples for quality testing throughout the year. It is one of our main functions to make sure that you have quality drinking water.
New Program!
If you plan on traveling for the Holidays, or at any other time, you can take advantage of our Vacation Watch Program. This lets our Police Department know what to look for while you are away! Just fill out the form and send it back to Chief Kichler at kkichler@bentonks.org!
Benton Dedication to Transparency.
In an attempt to make things easier for our citizens, we've created an "at a glance" page of Governing Body decisions. This will be updated after each meeting and will can be found on the City website.